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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:wujiao 更新时间:2021-03-09
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Abstract:Language plays an important role for humans, at the same time, culture and language have a very close relationship. Culture varies from country to country. Language and culture are interdependent but they interact with each other.Translation involves correct understanding and  proper expression. The aim of translation is to enable readers to understand the content of the text and accurately understand the spirit of the original text . There are many factors we need to consider. In the process of translation. Not only shall we translate the literal meaning of words, we also need to accurately express the central idea according to the social environment and psychological changes of the author's works .This paper mainly analyzes the influence of cultural differences between China and the west on translation from the aspects of the definition and relationship between translation and culture, social life, connotation, thinking mode and values between China and the west.


 Key words: Cultural differences between China and the West   translation   influence






Chapter 1 Translation and Culture-2

1.1  The definition of translation and culture-2

1.2  The relationship between translation and culture-2

Chapter 2 The influence of cultural connotation difference between Chinese and the west on translation-4

2.1  Religious Cultural Differences-4

2.2  History Cultural Differences-5

Chapter 3 The influence of social life differences between Chinese and the west on translation-6

3.1  Lifestyle Differences-6

3.2  Living Environment Differences-7

Chapter 4 The influence of concept differences between Chinese and the west on translation-8

4.1  Modes of Thinking Differences-8

4.2  Values Differences-9




上传会员 wujiao 对本文的描述:在翻译过程中,我们要考虑诸多因素,不仅仅要翻译出词语的字面意思,还要依据作者作品的社会环境,心理变化等准确表达出中心思想。本文主要从翻译与文化的定义和关系,中西方......
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