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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:congxia 更新时间:2021-05-06
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Abstract: American slang is a kind of colloquial speech used extensively on informal occasions. Slang used to be regarded as indecent, vulgar language. However, today people have realized its value. As an integral part of today’s American English, more and more people widely use such language forms in their daily communication. However, for English learners, it is quite difficult to understand it. In order to help English learners to avoid misunderstanding and enhance international communication and language competence, the paper explores its linguistic features and its in many areas.

Key words: Slang, linguistic features, application





1. Introduction1

2 Literature Review1

3 Linguistic Features and Rhetorical Features of American slang 2

3.1 Language Features of American Slang 

3.1.1 Humor

3.1.2 Brevity

3.1.3 Rhyme

3.1.4 Instability

3.2 Rhetorical Features of American Slang 4

3.2.1 Euphemism

3.2.2 Metaphor

3.2.3 Exaggeration

4. Application of American Slang..6

4.1 American Slang in Guiding 

4.2 American Slang in Business Activities

4.3 American Slang in Music

5. Conclusion8



上传会员 congxia 对本文的描述:美国俚语是一种广泛应用于非正式场合的口语。俚语曾被视为不雅,粗俗的语言。然而,今天人们已经意识到它的价值。作为现如今美国英语口语中一个重要组成部分,越来越多的人在......
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