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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:congxia 更新时间:2021-05-13
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Abstract: The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s finest work of stream of consciousness. Faulkner uses a multi-angle narration to unfold the heroine Caddy's life experiences. Caddy is originally a pure, kind, enthusiastic female who has a clear-cut stand on what to love and what to hate. But what has made her become a shameless woman and even a prostitute for a living? This paper is to analyze the causes of Caddy’s values in terms of her own character and the influences from her families as well as the society, all of which turned Caddy into a promiscuous, degenerate woman from a pure girl. Caddy’s life showed a fact that women had a low social position and were treated unfairly in the early 20th century.

Key words: The Sound and the Fury; William Faulkner; Caddy’s values; causes





1 Introduction-1

1.1The Introduction to William Faulkner-1

1.2 A Literature Review of The Sound and the Fury-2

2 The Causes of Caddy’s Values in The Sound and the Fury-2

2.1 Caddy’s Complex Personality-2

2.1.1Indecisive Character-2

2.1.2 Rebellious Spirit-3

2.2 The Influences of Caddy’s Families-3

2.2.1 Mr. and Mrs. Compson’s Irresponsibility-4

2.2.2 Caddy’s Brothers’ Suppression-4

2.2.3 Caddy’s Daughter’s Support-5

2.3 The Social Influences -6

3 Conclusion-7



上传会员 congxia 对本文的描述:《喧哗与骚动》是福克纳最成功的意识流小说作品。他采用多角度的叙事手法描述主人公凯蒂的生活经历。凯蒂本是一个纯洁、善良、热情、爱憎分明的女人,但是是什么将她变成一个不......
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