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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:As economy develops rapidly, business activities are increasing, while business letters are a kind of important means of communication in economic field, through which people can exchange information, discuss and deal with trading affairs, to promote mutual understanding, and to build up and maintain good relationships. When the two sides are negotiating with the counterpart on requirements and suggestions, if one side shows the disagreements directly, the counterpart may lose interest in continuing the negotiation and even think that we make them lose face, and then bilateral trade relations may break up. Therefore, other words should be used to weaken one side’s and others’ negative tone. 

Now the euphemism may play an important role in business letters. Euphemism can greatly improve the quality of the letters and create a good negotiation atmosphere. Many experts and scholars at home and broad have done many researches on euphemism. Through a comparative study of English and Chinese euphemisms, we can understand many similarities and dissimilarities between the two languages, which is meaningful for us to learn a foreign language and cross-cultural communication, etc. This paper will try to do a simple contrastive study of euphemism in English and Chinese business letters.

The paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter One is the introduction of the meaning of euphemism and business letters, and then some researches will be shown about euphemism at home and abroad. Chapter Two presents writing principles of business letters, features of euphemism, and so on. Chapter Three is the main part of this paper, and presents the contrastive study between English and Chinese letters from the six perspectives in details. At last, a final conclusion is made.


Key words:  Euphemism  business letters  cultural differences





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background Information-.1

1.2 Literature Review-2

1.2.1 Researches in Western Countries-2

1.2.2 Researches in China-2

1.3 Framework of This Paper-3

Chapter Two Euphemism and Business Letters-4

2.1 The Importance of Business Letters-4

2.2 Principles of Writing Business Letters-4

2.3 Features of Euphemism-5

2.3.1 Commendatory-5

2.3.2 Connotation-5

2.3.3 Nationality-6

Chapter Three A Contrastive Study of Euphemism in Business Letters-7

3.1 The Difference of Euphemism Caused by Culture in Western Countries and in China-7

3.1.1 Religion-7

3.1.2 Social Status-8

3.1.3 Tradition and Ethic-8

3.1.4 View of Social Value-8

3.2 The Contrast of Euphemism in English and Chinese Business Letters-9

3.2.1 Being Roundabout-9

3.2.2 Generosity-10

3.2.3 Being Praiseful-10

3.2.4 Modesty-11

3.2.5 Coherence-11

3.2.6 Sympathy-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-.13


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:第一部分介绍委婉语和商务书信及中外研究者对其做的研究。第二部分涉及委婉语特征、商务书信写信规则等等。第三部分是本文的核心部分,将会从六个方面对英汉商务书信中的委婉......
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