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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:萌妹 更新时间:2014-03-10
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of junior middle school English slow students and the transformation strategies. By investigating the current English teaching in junior middle schools, many reasons are found about the phenomenon of slow students. The paper focuses on both internal factors and external factors, while the internal ones are considered fundamental. Through analyze the factors, the paper also finds some strategies to solve the problems of English slow students, by using various measures to change the current situations of slow students.

Key words: slow students; internal factors; external factors; transformation strategies





上传会员 萌妹 对本文的描述:With the reform of the national school teaching curriculum, both the teaching methods and the learning strategies have got changed. In class, new situation has been formed——teachers and students are more equal and interactive. ......
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