
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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Abstract:From the aspects of presents-giving in major festivals, daily life and important ceremonies, this paper explores the differences in presents-giving etiquettes and customs between China and Western Countries. It tries to reveal the deep reasons of the cultural differences. By using the comparative and contrast analysis method, the paper introduces the presents-giving in major festivals, daily life, and important ceremonies in China and Western countries and main reasons of being difference, then discusses the different origins of gifts-giving, religious beliefs, value concepts, customs and habits. The thesis aims at strengthening cultural consciousness and the skill of cross-cultural communication, so as to reduce and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the daily and cross-cultural communication. It may guide and regulate the etiquette and behavior in modern society.

Keywords: Presents-giving;Cultural difference;Festival;Communication




上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:The current thesis tries to compare the presents giving in Festivals, daily life and ceremonies and reflect the cultural differences of China and western countries. This thesis consists of four parts. Chapter one deals with the purpose and s......
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