
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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ABSTRACT:In the past two decades, the topic of the beliefs about language learning has been attracting considerable researchers’ interests. Learners’ beliefs play an important role in their learning processes and outcomes. It is useful for teachers to understand beliefs held by their students and study how such beliefs affect their learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate senior middle school students’ English learning beliefs and try to study how such beliefs affect their learning. This study uses questionnaire and conducts in quantitative research to investigate students’ English learning beliefs from the following four aspects: learning aptitude; difficulty of foreign language learning; learning motivation; learning and communicative strategies. 200 students form Grade 1 of No.6 Senior Middle School in Jianshui are selected in this research. The results have shown that the senior middle school students have both of positive and negative beliefs. This study provided some pedagogical implications for the teachers and educators. Teachers should provide effective instruction of learning strategies according to learners’ situation and carry out strategy training with students’ specific beliefs.         

Keywords: English learning; Beliefs; Senior middle school students




上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:In the past two decades, considerable research in second language learning and teaching was devoted to beliefs that language learners and language teachers hold. It has been recognized that beliefs about language learning are context-specifi......
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