
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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ABSTRACT:Nowadays, the communication between Chinese and English people has become increasingly frequent. It is extremely important for us to know what is preferred and what is forbidden in cross-cultural communication. Taboo is a common linguistic phenomenon in both Chinese and English. In fact, scholars not only in China but foreign counties have conducted comparatively complete studies on taboos in their own languages. 

   Internationally, Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalytic school, put forward interesting and detailed discussions on taboos in his classical work Totem and Taboo published in 1913. It was the first book that took “taboo” as the research subject. He pointed out clearly that taboo involved two opposite meanings: on one hand, it was lofty and sacred; on the other hand, it was mysterious, dangerous, prohibitive and unclean. (Sigmund Freud, 1913, 112)

   The domestic representative on taboos is Language and Culture co-compiled by Professor Deng Yanchang and Liu Runqing. They mentioned some dissimilarities between Chinese and English taboos from several aspects, for example, racism, sex and privacy. Although both are classical researches on taboos, they’re not comprehensive for contemporary usage since language changes so fast in modern times. 

   This thesis introduces the source and definition of taboo and especially elaborates on the similarities and differences of taboos between English and Chinese with its focus on different cultural backgrounds. The main purpose of this thesis is to help people have a better understanding of taboo, develop a clear awareness of avoiding taboo words in communication, and further enhance cross-cultural communicative competence. 

Key words: taboo; similarity; difference







上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:Many examples in this thesis are combined and classified on the basis of researches conducted by the predecessors. At the same time, they are revised according to the language development. The shining point of this thesis lies in abundant ex......
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