
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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ABSTRACT:A Little Princess is one of the most famous works written by American writer Burnett. Based on the late nineteenth and early twentieth century's background, in vivid language suitable for all ages, the novella was written about the school life of Sara, a girl with a captain father. Sara is warm-hearted. She treats everyone equally and provided them with her love and care. Even in the most tragic period of her life, Sara still kept her kind heart. In the end, she escaped from her misfortune. Sara's character traits were helpful examples in establishing children's view of right and wrong. Through interpreting the text, this paper attempts to analyze the implication of different social structures, and introduce the state of an ideal society in the author's mind. Papers will be divided into three parts: the first part will focus on analyzing Sara's family background and how this affected her personality. In the second part, through analyzing Sara's school lives, the kind of society structures that the school implied will be exposed. The third part will be about the relationship between the large family and Sara, and show what kind of society structure the large family stands for. And finally the paper will come to the conclusion that the latter kind of social structure would be the ideal one in the author's mind.

Key Words: A Little Princess, Sara, social implications




上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:The story was about a young girl Sara. She was sent to Miss Minchin’s school at the age of seven by her father, Captain Crewe. Sara’s mother died at her very young age, so she loved and depended on her father a lot. Miss Minchin was a wi......
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