
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-14
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Abstract: Loan words are also called borrowed words. Both Chinese and English possess a plenty of loan words in almost every realm in our daily life due to such factors as international trade, culture communication, invasion and immigration. This study aims to investigate into the formation of loanwords. The translation and usage of loanwords is of great importance in both academic and practical aspects. This paper, by first listing some loan words, delves into the root cause of these words. It, therefore, concludes that national strength is one of the most important factors that impact word-borrowing. Finally, the writer tentatively predicts that more words from Chinese will be borrowed into other languages.

Key words: loanwords; formation; national strength



关键词:借词; 形成原因; 国力

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:Language itself reflects history and culture. Culture communication with other countries brings new concepts and objects into a language. These new elements get mixed up with the old elements in language. Modern Chinese language has enriched......
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