
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:朵朵 更新时间:2014-11-10
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ABSTRACT:The CL (cooperative learning), a kind of interactive teaching mode, has been valued gradually in the education field. In order to know the situations of using the cooperative learning in English intensive reading class of grade one in Honghe University, the methods of questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews were used to survey the two teachers and ninety-two students in College of Foreign Languages of Honghe University. This thesis aims to investigate the situations of use of the CL, the purpose of teachers’ use of the CL, students' and teachers’ attitudes about use of the CL and the roles of the CL in intensive reading course. The results show that both teachers and students agreed to use the CL in intensive reading class, especially in understanding what they learned, communication their study and feelings between students, fostering their ability of cooperation and making the class atmosphere comfortable and relaxing. The CL would engender positive effect in these aspects. According to the CL theory, the writer also gives some constructive suggestions in use of the CL in teaching intensive reading course. Firstly, teachers and students should acknowledge the usefulness of the CL; secondly, teachers should pay more attention to the students’ expectations of using the CL; thirdly, teachers and students must make have a clear purpose when using the CL. This study aims to trigger teachers and students to ponder the use of the CL in intensive reading class.

Keywords: Freshmen of English Major; Cooperative Learning; English Teaching;Intensive Reading Course




上传会员 朵朵 对本文的描述:The intensive reading is a compulsory course for English major and some teachers of Honghe University teach students by using cooperative learning way. So the purpose of doing this survey is to try to find what kind of styles of the CL was u......
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