
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:橙子 更新时间:2014-12-05
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Abstract:The main body of a book has been set forth how to improve the student's English reading ability, that English is read is very important in studying in English , the teaching having summed me up experiences , writes down this experiment report. I have used fast reading , way such as reading carefully and thoroughly , discussing that to arouse student's interest in the process of teaching , student English achievement has had very big rise.

Key Words:  interest , reading capability,  skimming , scanning , discussion



关键词:兴趣  阅读能力  速读  精读  讨论


I come from Ruxi Middle school of Xinhua.  I’ve been teaching English here for three years. Most of my students are interested in English. And some do well in English, but some are bad at it, of course few students don’t like English at all. I will try my best to help my students as a teacher. In my teaching, I found my students have some difficulties in learning English, such as listening, speaking, writing and comprehension, especially the reading comprehension. I hope I can help them to solve the problems with the knowledge and theory that I learned from Loudi TV University.

上传会员 橙子 对本文的描述:I identified a problem based on my teaching experience, that is: when my students read the text, they recognize many words but fail to master its meaning. So they can’t get good marks in comprehension though......
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