
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:゛陌上花开 更新时间:2014-12-20
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Abstract:Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenn that exists in every human language, “it’s an appropriate linguistics form created by human to obtain ideal effects of communication in the social association.” The feature of euphemism is to ues an inexplicit and pleasant expession to avoid some harsh of offensive expressions.

  There are a large number of euphemisms in both English and Chinese languages.This dissertation aims to make a comparative study of English and Chinese euphemisms.It is composed of four parts:The first part introduces the origin of euphemisms.Due to language taboos and need of politeness,euphemisms come into being.The second part analyzes the difference in the content and scope of euphemisms in the fields of age,poverty,occupation,name and address.The third part gives a brief introduction of the convergence of English and Chinese euphemisms.Through the comparative study of English and Chinese euphemisms,it is helpful for us to fully understand the language and culture in the east and west,and it is also of great significance in intercultural communication.

Key words: euphemisms;  comparative study;  culture





上传会员 ゛陌上花开 对本文的描述:The emergence of euphemism has its distinctive historical and cultural background.Due to the difference and development of geography,society,culture,conventions,etc,in different nations,the contents and scopes of euphemisms also vary.Euphemi......
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