
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:゛陌上花开 更新时间:2014-12-24
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Abstract: With man's eco-environment becoming worse and worse, more and more writers and literature researchers begin to pay much attention to it. This essay, from “eco-” perspective, attempts to make a study and analysis of the similarities and differences between the Wordsworth’s and Emerson’s conceptions of nature, and tries to get some inspirations from man's early ecological concern—hating industrial civilization, longing for the harmony with nature, longing to return to nature so as to awake the whole world to our serious global environment—in order to realize the dream of ecological holism.

Key Words: conception of nature, philosophical conception of nature,common conception of nature,passiveness,individualism, ecological holism




上传会员 ゛陌上花开 对本文的描述:Roughly speaking, literature is a mirror or reflection of the current social events, thoughts and settings. Twining with the worsening environment, people begin to pay due attention to the research of eco-literature. ......
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