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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小小维 更新时间:2015-02-10
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Abstract:Translation is not only to impart literal meaning, but also to reproduce the emotion of the author. Many translators do their utmost to pass them all accurately to the reader, only to find that it is very hard to handle. Due to divergences in living environment, language culture, social convention, and way of thinking, Chinese differ itself from English to a large extent. Consequently, disparity in language and perception arises, which inevitably results in phenomenon of untranslatabity and the loss of affective meaning. 

This paper in its first step generally discusses the reason for the loss the affective meaning in translation, then analyses this problem in terms of linguistics and culture from the perspective of translatability and untranslatability. Finally some strategies are proposed to address the above problem, namely creation for loss, foreignization and domestication.

Keywords: affective meaning; translatability; untranslatability; foreignization; domestication; creation





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 Affective meaning-1

1.2 Translatability and untranslatability-1

Chapter 2 Reasons for the loss of affective meaning in translation-3

2.1 Constraints of some special rhetoric device-3

2.2 Divergence in religious belief-4

2.3 Divergence in concepts-4

2.4 Different living conditions-5

Chapter 3 Translatability and Untranslatability of Affective Meaning-7

3.1 Linguistics factors-7

3.1.1 Syntax-7

3.2.2 Semantics-9

3.2 Cultural factors-10

3.2.1 Cultural background of the nation-10

3.2.2 Writing background of the author-11

3.2.3 Allusion-11

3.2.4 Summary-12

Chapter 4 Translation Strategies of affective meaning-13

4.1 Creation for loss-13

4.2 Foreigniazation-14

4.3 Domestication-14

Chapter 5 Conclusion-17



上传会员 小小维 对本文的描述:文学翻译不仅要“达意”,而且要“传情”。而对于如何把作者的情感准确地传递给读者,翻译者往往力不从心。由于生活环境、语言文化、社会风俗、思维方式等的差异,汉英两种语......
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