
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:好男孩 更新时间:2016-06-15
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Abstract:Teachers’ questioning is not only used to draw students’ attention and curiosity, check the teaching effect, train students’ expressive ability, but also to trigger students’ thinking and stimulate the classroom interaction. Hence, appropriate employment of questioning techniques is of great significance in English class. This thesis discusses about functions of teachers’ questioning and analyzes the problems existing in junior middle school English class. With the intention to solve these problems, it puts forward some questioning techniques. 

The thesis has a discussion on four questioning techniques: affective technique, question design technique, carrying-out technique and feedback technique. Proper employment of these four techniques can help improve teachers’ questioning skills and the class efficiency.


Keywords: teachers’ questioning; functions; problems existing in questioning; questioning techniques; 





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Teachers’ Questioning-3

3.1 The Definition of Teachers’ Questioning-4

3.2 The Types of Teachers’ Questions-4

3.3 The Problems Existing in Teachers’ Questioning-5

4. The Functions of Teachers’ Questioning-6

4.1 Drawing Students’ Attention and Curiosity-6

4.2 Checking the Teaching Effect-7

4.3 Training Students’ Expressive Ability-7

4.4 Triggering Students’ Thinking-8

4.5 Stimulating the Classroom Interaction-8

5. Questioning Techniques-9

5.1 Affective Technique-9

5.2 Question Design Technique-10

5.3 Carrying-out Technique-11

5.4 Feedback Technique-13

6. Conclusion-15

Works Cited-16

上传会员 好男孩 对本文的描述:检测教师的课堂效果,训练学生的表达能力,还能用来引发学生思考,增进课堂互动。因此,恰当地运用提问技巧在英语课堂教学中具有重要意义。本论文讨论了教师提问的功能,分析......
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