
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:好男孩 更新时间:2016-06-15
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Abstract:Motivation is an inner power as well as a mentality which inspires people to keep studying. People widely hold the idea that motivation plays a key role in the process of English learning. Students with higher motivation behave more actively while less motivated students are easily tend to cause a mess in class. As the changes of the nature of the study itself as well as the growth of teenagers themselves, students in junior schools are more likely to think creatively and independently and are less likely to be influenced by some other factors than kids in primary schools. However, junior school students are still unconscious and sensitive; therefore, teachers need to take actions to change this situation. Teachers should understand the motivation of the students and take proper measures to help students cultivate their motivations and to improve the efficiency of the class.


Key words: motivation; junior high school students’ English learning; ways to cultivate the motivation






2.Literature Review2

2.1 The Definition of Motivation.2

2.2 Theoretical Bases2

2.3 Empirical Studies.3

3.Motivation .4

3.1 Traits.4

3.2 Classification 5

3.3 Influencing Factors.7

4.The Importance of Motivation in Junior High School English Learning9

5. Ways to Cultivate the Motivation.10

5.1 Helping Students Set up Proper Goals10

5.2 Using the Feedback of the Learning Achievements10

5.3 Creating a Supportive Learning Atmosphere.11

5.4 Giving Students Proper Praise11

6. Conclusion12

Works Cited.13

上传会员 好男孩 对本文的描述:由于初中学习性质的改变,学生学习内容和方法的改变,初中生的学习动机的自觉性比小学生有了更大的发展。他们能够更为主动自觉地进行教材钻研和独立思考,而不是像小学生那样......
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