
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:好男孩 更新时间:2016-06-15
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Abstract:One of the objectives of primary school English teaching is to arouse students’ interest in English learning, which is described in the New English Curriculum Standard. Creating situations in English teaching is one of the effective ways which is suitable for the children’s physiological and psychological development. Based on the current situation of primary school English teaching, the thesis explores the advantages and approaches of the situational teaching method. It aims to explain that teachers as the initiators of primary school English learning, they should skillfully and rationally create situations to arouse and cultivate students’ interest in English learning.

Key words: situations; primary school English teaching; advantages;   approaches






2.Literature Review-2

3.The Present Situation of Primary School English Teaching-4

4. Situational Teaching Method-4

4.1Advantages of the situational teaching method-4

4.2 Disadvantages of the situational teaching method-6

5.The Approaches of the Situational Teaching Method-7

5.1 Creating scenes through performance and game activities-7

5.2 Using direct teaching method to creat situations-7

5.3 Using multimedia means to expand situation-8

5.4 Enriching the situation through rich imagination- 9

5.5 Creating the scenes of life.9

5.6 Creating scenes with actions9

5.7Organizing more extra-curricular activities to expand the second 


6.Present Situation and Future of Situational Teaching Method11

7. Conclusion11

Works cited.13

上传会员 好男孩 对本文的描述:在英语新课程标准中,小学英语的教学目标之一是要激发学生学习英语的兴趣。创设情景在英语教学中是一种极为有效的方法,它符合儿童的生理和心理发展。本论文基于当前小学英语......
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