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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-13
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Abstract:Happiness has been people's ultimate goal since ancient times, also the most controversial one of the topics argued by Philosophers all over the world. Bertrand Russell, the great British philosopher and ideologist in 20th century, was also a world-famous pacifism social activist. He devoted his life in the pursuit of love and knowledge, and the concern for human’s happiness. Meanwhile, Russell's point of view appeared in the 20th century, at that time, development degree of the market economy in Europe and the United States was similar with that of today’s China's socialist market economy. Therefore, we can proceed from Russell's point of view, look into how we could learn from the view of happiness advocated by Russell under the market economic system, so that we could to some extent alleviate the cultural conflict caused by different values, and then explore a conquest of happiness with Chinese characteristics. Chinese and Western have enormous differences in social systems, so only by mutual understanding could we overcome the cultural conflict.


Keywords: Happiness; Russell; Chinese; Characteristic; Mood





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Bertrand Russell and His The Conquest of Happiness-3

2.1 Russell’s Life.3

2.2 Russell’s The Conquest of Happiness and its usage at that time4

Chapter 3 Source of Unhappiness in Today’s China-7

3.1 Social backgrounds.7

3.2 Problems-.7

Chapter 4 Way to Happiness in China-10

4.1 Possibility of happiness in China-.10

4.2 Promotion of real love between each other-.10

4.2.1 Communication and mutual respect between parents and children-10

4.2.2 Establishment of a correct view on love and marriage-11

4.3 The role of work in the pursuit of happiness.11

4.4 Other ways to happiness: goals and hobbies.11

Chapter 5 Conclusion-12



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:我们可以从罗素的观点出发,深入了解在市场经济体制下罗素所倡导的幸福观在相似社会环境下对于中国的借鉴意义,从而在一定程度上缓解因价值观不同而带来的文化冲突,探寻出一......
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