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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-14
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Abstract:The School of Names had been considered as unorthodox one and not acceptable since it was came to being in Chinese history, so accordingly, whose thought and theory were not recorded and inherited so much. As a result, there is a little information about Hui Shih (fl.350-260) who was the main representative of the School of Names and his thought we can find nowadays. Therefore, what we know of his ideas may be concluded only from a series of "ten points" enumerated in the chapter titled "The World" in the Chuang-tzu. And Hui Shih's dialectical logic science plays a big role in translation.This paper, proceeding with five pairs of contradictions in translation, which are contradictions between literal translation and free translation, domestication and foreignization, formal similarity and spiritual similarity, faithfulness and creativity, understanding and expression, and analyzing and dealing with these contradictions on the basis of Hui Shih's "ten points", reveals the dialectical unity in translation contradictions, and sums up a dialectical translation view. In order to push translation forward a new stage where it is combined with Chinese philosophy, translators should adhere to dialectical thought, follow the principle of unity of opposites, set up the dialectical translation view to balance contradictions with discretion and find the best "point of fusion".  


Keywords: Hui Shih; "ten points"; dialectical logic; contradictions; translation theory 





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

Chapter 3 Analysis of Hui Shih's "Ten Points"-5

3.1 Division and Analysis-5

3.1.1 The Unity of Opposites 5

3.1.2 The Mutual Transformation of Opposites. 6

3.2 The Main contributions-8

3.3 The Shortages-8

3.4 Summary-9

Chapter 4 Dialectical Translation-11

4.1 Literal Translation and Free Translation-12

4.2 Domestication and Foreignization-13

4.3 Formal Similarity and Spiritual Similarity-14

4.4 Faithfulness and Creativity-15

4.5 Understanding and Expression-17

Chapter 5 Conclusion-19



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:从翻译中的五对矛盾(直译与意译、异化与归化、神似与形似、忠实性与创造性、源语理解与异语表达)入手,运用惠施的“历物十事”中所蕴含的辩证逻辑思想来处理这些矛盾之间的......
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