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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract: This paper puts an emphasis on the color white, analyzes the similar as well as different connotations in Chinese and English cultures, discusses various reasons for these differences, and touches upon their influences on the cross-cultural communication. Along with the development of human culture, the vocabulary that expresses color have accordingly been enriched, and these color words have been given many other new significances other than its original express of color. However, due to the various natural environments, historical backgrounds, political backgrounds, religious belief, living habits, and other factors, same color may carry different connotative meanings in different cultures. And therefore an analysis of the same color in different cultures is of great importance in cross-cultural communication.

Key words: White; Connotation; Contrastive; Chinese and English





1. Introduction1

  1.1 Classification of Color Terms 

1.2 Function of Color Terms

2. Literature Review ..2

3. The Similarities of Expressing the Color White 

in Chinese and English Culture..3

  3.1 Purity and Innocence

  3.2 Ineffectiveness and No Value

4. The Differences of Expressing the Color White

in Chinese and English Culture.4

4.1 The Connotation of the Color White in Chinese Culture

4.1.1 Death and Ill Omen

4.1.2 Treacherousness and Insidiousness

4.1.3 Decay and Reaction

  4.2 The Connotation of the Color White in English Culture

4.2.1 Authority and Prestige

4.2.2 Festivity and Good Fortune

4.2.3 Honesty and Integrity

5. The Factors Causing Different Cultural Connotations of the Color White in Chinese and English Culture.7

5.1 Natural Environments and Historical Backgrounds

5.2 Political Backgrounds and Religious Belief

5.3 Living Habits

6. Conclusion.8



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:浅究其根源和对跨文化交际的影响。随着人类文化的发展,颜色词不仅在数量上明显增加,其内涵也在不断丰富。由于历史背景、社会习俗等原因,同一颜色词在不同的文化里的内涵不......
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