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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract:This study aims to investigate George Eliot's ambivalent views on religion in Silas Marner. At the beginning, the protagonist Silas Marner believes in God absolutely. But after being wronged by church, he begins to question and doubt the religion and society. However, he finally converts to God because of Eppie's coming, though, the essence of God in his mind has been changed. Coincidentally, George Eliot's view on religion changes the same way as Silas Marner. She has been adapting herself to find an appropriate attitude towards religion in her life. Though nurtured by Christianity, Eliot is suspicious of it because of the influence of Origin of Species and the Industrial Revolution. She is with Feuerbach on religion, which means she cannot accept it completely nor abandon it as a whole. Eventually, in the process of denying religious doctrinaire and formalism, George Eliot establishes her own understanding of religion based on humanity and love. This paper concludes that Silas Marner's views on religion in different periods reflect George Eliot's religious development and ambivalence. 

Key words: George Eliot; Silas Marner; religious view






  1.1 A brief introduction to George Eliot and Silas Marner ...1 

  1.2 Literature review .1

2. Silas Marner's Views on Religion in Different Periods ..2

2.1 Before being wronged - Believing in God absolutely 2

2.2 After being wronged - Questioning his belief.2

2.3 Eppie's coming - Reconciling himself to Christianity...3

3. George Eliot's Ambivalent View on Religion . 4

3.1 George Eliot's initial view on religion - A pious follower of the faith. 4

3.2 George Eliot's later view on religion - Questioning her belief..5

3.2.1 The Influence of Origin of Species. 5

3.2.2 The Impact of Industrial Revolution..5 

3.2.3 The Influence of Feuerbach's Thought.6

3.3 George Eliot's Conversion to Christianity.7

3.4 The Similarities between Marner and Eliot.7




上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本文主要为了研究乔治·艾略特在其作品《织工马南》中所表现出来的宗教观的矛盾性。在《织工马南》小说中,起初,主人公塞拉斯·马南完全相信上帝,崇拜上帝,但是后来由于受到......
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