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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract:This study discusses the differences in marital value between young adults in China and America based on the contrast of TV dating shows and analyzes the cultural factors shaping and influencing marital values by applying Hofsteade’s value orientation theory. In Chapter One, the author reviews previous studies on Chinese and American marital values and identifies their weaknesses. Chapter Two gives a brief introduction to two popular TV dating shows in China and America If You are the One and Take Me out. In Chapter Three, with vivid examples from these shows, the author identifies four differences in marital value between young adults in the two countries, including mate selection, attitudes towards sex, decision-making power and attitudes towards divorce. In Chapter Four & Five, based on Hofsteade’s value orientation theory, the author analyzes the cultural causes for differences in marital values between young adults in China and America and finally draws a conclusion.

Key words: Chinese and American Marital values, TV dating show, Hofsteade’s value orientation theory





1. Introduction1

2 .Introduction to TV Dating Shows2

2.1 Chinese Show—If You are the One 

  2.2 American Show—Take Me out 

3. Differences in Marital Value between China and America3

3.1 Mate Selection Criteria

3.2 Attitudes towards Sex 

3.3 Decision-making Power

 3.4 Attitudes towards Divorce

4. Influences of Cultural Factors on Marital Value8

4.1Hofstede’s Value Orientation Theory

4.2 Influences of Cultural Factors on Marital Values

4.2.1 Collectivism and Individualism   

4.2.2 High and Low Uncertainty Avoidance

4.2.3 Masculinity and Femininity

5. Conclusion10 



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:首先在引言中作者回顾了前人对中美婚姻观的研究成果,并指出不足。再者作者介绍了在中、美两国流行的相亲节目《非诚勿扰》和《执子之手》。第三章中,作者在对比了两节目中后......
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