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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract:During recent years,the researches on Mao Zedong’s poetry have been more and more. There is no doubt that the translation of Mao Zedong’s poetry is the base of those researches. The unique features of Chinese poetry in the styles, forms and ways to express feelings result in the impossibility of translation in some degree. The key of poetry translation is to focus on not only the faithfulness, the expressiveness and the elegance, but also the beauty of form, the beauty of sense and the beauty of sound. Through  both foreign and native scholars’ longperiod research, there has been a set of principles of poetry translation from Chinese to English. The quality of translation greatly depends on the beauty of sound. Phonetic correspondence reflects the comparison between Chinese and English. The words and tempo of Mao Zedong’s poetry are especially strong and sonorous. If much of the attention won’t  be paid to the phonetic correspondence when translators translate the poetry according to the principles, the quality of the translated texts will be worse because of the lack of vigor.

Key words: theories of poetry translation; phonetic correspondence; Mao Zedong’s poetry





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review1

3. The Theories and Principles of Poetry Translation2

3.1 Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance 

3.2 The Beauty of Form, the Beauty of Sense and the Beauty of Sound

4. Phonetic Correspondence in the Translation of Poetry4

  4.1 Phonetic Correspondence in the Rhythm

  4.2 Phonetic Correspondence in the Rhyme 

  4.3 Phonetic Correspondence in the Onomatopoeia

5. The Strategies of Mao Zedong’s Poetry Translation5

6. Phonetic Correspondence in the Translation of Mao Zedong’s Poetry7

6.1 Previous Version

  6.2 My Own Version

7. Conclusion9



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:注重诗歌翻译的信,达,雅和形美,意美,声美成为关键。经过多年来中外学者的研究,对中文诗歌的英译已经形成一套策略和原则。其中,诗歌翻译的音韵美决定了诗歌翻译的质量。......
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