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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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List of Tables -iii

Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 The purpose and significance of the study-1

1.2 The research situation abroad and home-1

1.3 The innovation of the study-3

1.4 The organization of this thesis-3

Chapter 2 Literature Review-5

2.1 Language transfer and mother tongue interference-5

2.1.1 Language transfer-5

2.1.2 Mother tongue interference-5

2.2 Contrastive Analysis-6

2.3 Error Analysis-6

2.4 Identification of errors-7

Chapter 3 Contrastive studies of English and Chinese-9

3.1 Reasons for contrastive studies of English and Chinese-9

3.2 Comparisons between English thinking mode and Chinese thinking mode-9

3.2.1 Abstraction and imagination-9

3.2.2 Analysis and synthesis-10

3.2.3 Deduction and induction-10

Chapter 4 Research Design-13

  4.1 Research questions-13

  4.2 subjects-13

4.3 Method and instruments-13

4.4 Data collection and results-14

4.4.1 Errors in part of speech-14

4.4.2 Errors in articles-14

4.4.3 Errors in prepositions-14

4.4.4 Errors in conjunctions-15

4.4.5 Errors in nouns-15

4.5 Results analysis-16

Chapter 5 Conclusion-19

5.1 Limitations and expectations-19

5.2 Implications and recommendations from the pedagogy perspective-19



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本文首先通过介绍一些与第二语言学习研究相关的理论,如语言迁移等,来具体阐述汉语思维对英文写作中的语篇、句式及用词的影响;再将英汉思维作出详细的对比,归纳出英汉思维......
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