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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract:Catch-22 is Joseph Heller’s first important novel and is known as a representative of the post-modern novel. Written in a humorous tone, the novel depicts absurd and ridiculous events which happen on the fictional island of Pianosa. This novel has been quite a hit in the literary world ever since its first publication and numerous studies on the novel have been carried out. This thesis focuses on its theme of absurdity and its unique structural features which help to achieve its thematic objective. In this thesis the theme of absurdity is discussed from three aspects and the structural features of the novel are approached from the perspectives of subversion of chronology, discontinuity of events and repetition of scenes. It is the unique narrative arrangement of the novel that conveys Heller’s disappointment with reality and concerns for the mankind and that makes Catch-22 a classic. 

Key words: Catch-22, Yossarian, absurdity, structural features





1. Introduction.1

1.1 Joseph Heller’s Life Story and Literary Achievements.1

1.2 The Plot of Catch-22.1

1.3 Literature Review2

2. Absurdity in the Content.3

2.1 Language.3

2.2 Characters4

2.3 Events5

3. Unique Structural Qualities of the Novel5

3.1 Subversion of Chronology.6

3.2 Discontinuity of Events.7

3.3 Repetition of Scenes8

4. Conclusion.9



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:自《第二十二条军规》出版以来,关于它的研究经久不衰。本论文主要研究小说荒诞主题及其结构体现。论文从三方面分析小说的荒诞主题,并具体分析小说结构特征,由此说明小说的......
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