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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract:This paper by studying the struggle of Scarlett for the fate, who is the protagonist in Gone with the Wind, and analysis of the growth of her post-war feminism, aims to improve people's awareness of feminism. By reading her marriage story, the paper helps people understand more about the American culture in the nineteenth century and know American feminist forming process,which provides a powerful ideological weapon to the progress of human rights and women's liberation. At the same time, the study pays attention to help the women to build a more harmonious family relationship and social relationship. What’s more, we can establish the correct view of love through the research of her love, lest posterity to repeat.

Key words: Gone with the Wind; feminism; Scarlett





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review . 2

2.1 The Author of Gone with the Wind and the Book

2.2 Some Literary Criticism of Gone with the Wind

3. Feminism.5

3.1 The Connotation of Feminism

3.2 Scarlett’s Feminism in different periods

4. Scarlett’s Feminism after the Civil War 8

4.1 The Analysis of Scarlett’s Character

4.2 Scarlett's Struggle and Growth

4.3 Scarlett’s Feminism after the Civil War

5. Conclusion10


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:致力于研究《飘》中主角斯佳丽对于命运的挣扎,分析她战后女性主义的成长。并透过斯嘉丽每次婚姻的背景特点,来看当时的历史,了解十九世纪的美国,了解美国女性主义的形成过......
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