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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:John Steinbeck was born in the town of Salinas, California in 1902. It is generally agreed that the most significant biographical link between Steinbeck and his writings is this fact of his birth and growth to maturity in the Salinas Valley: here is the source of his knowledge and love for nature, his biological view of life, and many of his characters. The Grapes of Wrath, his masterpiece, was written during the American Great Depression in 1930s and was full of ecological crises. In this novel, Steinbeck revealed the inharmonious relations between man and land, between man and man, between man and himself. Combined with the research of The Grapes of Wrath and ecocriticism at home and abroad, this thesis will emphasize on the analysis of natural ecological crisis, social ecological crisis and spiritual ecological crisis and attempts to give solutions to those crises correspondently.


Keywords: The Grapes of Wrath, ecocriticism, natural ecological crisis, social ecological crisis, solutions





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

2.1 John Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath-3

2.2 Previous Studies of Ecocriticism at Home and Abtroad-3

2.3 Previous Studies of The Grapes of Wrath at Home and Abroad-5

Chapter 3 Three Ecological Crises in The Grapes of Wrath-7

3.1 Natural Ecological Crisis in The Grapes of Wrath-7

3.2 Social Ecological Crisis in The Grapes of Wrath .8

3.3 Spiritual Ecological Crisis in The Grapes of Wrath .9

Chapter 4 Solutions to Three Ecological Crises-11

4.1 Return to Nature: Respect and Love for Land-11

4.2 Collectivism: Respect and Love for Others-11

4.3 Universal Love: One Big Soul Everybody’s a Part of-12

Chapter 5 Conclusion-13



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:代表作《愤怒的葡萄》写于美国上个世纪三十年代大萧条时期,它是一部充满生态危机的小说。在这部小说中,斯坦贝克揭示了人与土地﹑人与人以及人与自身精神之间的不和谐关系。......
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