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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:Decameron written by Giovanni Boccaccio is the first realism masterpiece of the Italian literature history, which is the literature work with great social value in the history of world literature. Based on his observation capability, extensive knowledge and firm foundation, Boccaccio shaped impressive intertwined Country Images, such as interpersonal relationships, language and scenery description. Decameron sing the praises of Instant gratification, regard the love as the source of nobility and intelligence, glorify the precious of free love, and affirm people's ingenuity. Meanwhile, Decameron exposes the brutality of the feudal emperors, the sins of the Christian Church, the hypocrisy of clergies and nuns. It is those themes in Decameron which appears to break the conventional and shock the common customs that let Boccaccio won the overnight fame. However, due to the limitations of the times, these countryside images still show the some ideological deficiencies of Boccaccio, such as the feudal residues and female bias. Collision between the advanced and backward ideas in this book foreshadowed the later mental reversal of Boccaccio.


Keywords: Decameron, Boccaccio, images, limitations





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 The Renaissance-1

1.2 Decameron-1

1.3 Giovanni Boccaccio-1

1.4 Literary Studies-2

Chapter 2 The Images of Countryside-3

Chapter 3 The advanced ideas in the Images of Countryside-5

3.1 Incisive Antifeudal Attitudes-5

3.2 Effective Sarcasm to the Religion and the Clergies-7

Chapter 4 The Maladies in the Images of Countryside-9

4.1 Residual Feudalistic Ideology-9

4.2 Erroneous Ideas About Marriage-9

4.3 Parochial and Inaccurate View About Female-10

Chapter 5 Conclusion-13



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:《十日谈》歌颂了现世生活,赞美爱情是才智的高尚的源泉,歌颂自由爱情的可贵,肯定人们的聪明才智等。同时作品也揭露封建帝王的残暴,基督教会的罪恶,教士修女的虚伪等等。......
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