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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:Brand name, namely trademark, has become an essential part of modern life as a symbol of merchandise. With more and more communication between China and other nations, plus the fierce competitions amongst the countries, a massive influx of trademarks from foreign countries has occurred in China, of which the English trademarks are in a dominant position. This situation has attached more importance to the translation of the trademarks from English to Chinese. The quality of the translation may influence the achievement of cultural communication. More awareness should be paid in the trademark translation. This paper is based on the current situation of the transliteration in brand name translation, dedicating to the further study of this field. The paper has pointed out the principles which people should pay attention to in the transliteration of brand names, putting forward the opinion that the name and the translation should be consolidated. The translation should not only express the letter, but also the spirit. Meanwhile some ambiguities should be avoided. The thesis will provide a few suggestions on the application of the transliteration of brand names. At the end of the paper, there will be a brief summary.


Keywords: brand names; communication; transliteration; principle; suggestion





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

2.1 Definition of tranliteration-3

2.2 Transliteration research in China-3

2.3 Transliteration of Brand Names-4

Chapter 3 Characteristics of Transliteration of Brand Names-5

3.1 Popularity-5

3.2 Beauty-5

3.3 Established Usage-6

Chaper 4 Principles of Transliteration of Brand Names-7

4.1 Categories of Transliteration in Brand Name Translation-7

4.2 Pinciples of Transliterating Brand Names from English to Chinese-8

Chaper 5 Suggestions on Transliteraion of Brand Names-9

5.1 Developing Consciousness of Interculture-10

5.2 Respecting and Mastering the Linguistic Rules of Chinese Language-10

5.3 Avoiding Chinese Taboo Words-11

Chapter 6 Conclusion-12



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:商品名的翻译质量会直接影响到文化交流的成败,必须予以高度重视。本文以英文商标音译的现状为根基,试图在这一领域作进一步的探讨。全文通过大量实例的具体分析,指出了商标......
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