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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:The Holy Bible which has a far-reaching effect on western culture is doomed to become the focus of the human research. The Bible and wine has been in very subtle relationship. The Holy Bible has abundant scriptures about wine —on the one hand, it is described as God's gift to mankind and indispensible drink on all kinds of ceremonies and festivals bringing joy and happiness;on the other hand, many cock-and-bull stories of drunk biblical characters are recorded. What’s more, large numbers of scriptures warning not to get drunk make wine the root of evil to many people. During the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, when believers generally gave tacit consent to the prohibition against alcoholic drinks, people including experts on Hebrew culture and Bible literature, pastors and preachers began to pay attention to and study biblical wine. This essay study the modern Christians’ attitude toward wine on the basic on the Holy Bible by analyzing wine in biblical times of special culture and customs, also the different meanings and functions of wine in Hebrew and Greek. 


Keywords: wine; Bible; Christian; meanings and functions





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Meanings of Wine-3

2.1 The Meaning of ‘‘Wine’’ in English-3

2.2 The Meaning of ‘‘Wine’’ in Hebrew-3

2.3 Meaning of “Wine” in Latin-5

2.4 Meaning of “Wine” in Greek-5

Chapter 3 Bible References to Wine-7

3.1 Symbolic and Figurative Functions of Wine-7

3.2 Wine serves as God’s Blessings-7

Chapter 4 Believers’ Attitudes Towards Wine-9

4.1 Teachings on Wine in Bible-9

4.2 Modern Christians’ Attitudes Towards Wine-9

Chapter 5 Conclusion-11



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:《圣经》这部对西方文化有着深远影响的著作,注定其成为人类研究的焦点。《圣经》与酒的关系一直很微妙。酒在圣经中大量出现——它即被描述为上帝给人类得礼物,在各样的祭祀......
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