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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:In Utopia,Thomas More describes a beautiful island----Utopia. Coincidentally, 1000 years ago in the east, the poet and writer, Tao Yuanming also describes an aloof paradise from the world---- the Peach Blossom Valley. Domestic research of the Peach Blossom Valley and Utopia has been a subject of enduring, and extends a series of cultural products. The Chinese and Western culture have a history for thousands of years. According to their social background and political atmosphere, the two articles establish two different modes of the ideal village, which expresses the expectation of an ideal society. The wars and social injustice and oppression push the writers to make reflection of social reality and describe the ideal society in paper, to achieve the real purpose of irony. People in The Peach Blossom Valley are far away from the wars and poverty, and they have a quiet and peaceful life. They work by thenselves in the simple agricultural life to reach self-sufficiency. In Utopia, all people work to get what they need, and they have the advanced social system of public ownership. Otherwises, people there have an elegant cultural leisure and entertainment, and there is no sin and depravity. This paper will compare the similarities and differences between the two paradises through time and place, work and life, entertainment, feasibility, and the reasons for writing. The final goal is to better understand the concept of the ideal village, and through the current problem, to understand the characteristics of Chinese and Western culture, to achieve the purpose of cultural exchange.


Keywords: Utopia; the Peach Blossom Valley; Similarity; Difference; Reason





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Time and Setting-3

2.1 Time of the Two Stories-3

2.2 Setting of the Two Imaginary Paradises-3

Chapter 3 Work and Life-5

3.1 Work-5

3.1.1 Work in Utopia-5

3.1. 2 Work in The Peach Blossom Valley-5

3.1. 3 Difference Between Two Paradises-5

3.2 Life-6

3.2.1 Life in Utopia-6

3.2.2 Life in The Peach Blossom Valley-6

Chapter 4 Entertainment in the Two Paradises-7

4.1 Colorful Entertainment in Utopia-7

4.2 Simple Entertainment in the Peach Blossom Valley-7

4.3Difference in Entertaiment-7

Chapter 5 Feasibility of the Two Paradises-9

5.1 Feasibility of The Peach Blossom Valley-9

5.2 Infeasibility of Utopia-9

5.3 Comparision of Feasibility-10

Chapter 6 Reasons For Writing-11

Chapter 7 Conclusion-13



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本文从时间与地点,工作与生活,休闲娱乐,可实现性以及作者写作原因等方面剖析,深入比较二者的异同,以更好地了解理想村的概念,并通过当前的问题,了解中国和西方文化的特......
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