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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:With China’s development and opening up, China plays an increasingly important role in the world. More foreigners want to know China about its culture and history as well as its present political, economic and technological development. Therefore, translation for foreign publicity becomes more significant for foreigners to know China’s current development. Many translators have made great contributions in this regard, while there is still much room to be improved. The study of these underlying difficulties becomes quite necessary and important. This paper, as a tentative study of exploring effective methods for translating Chinese into English on the basis of the equivalence theory, is expected to be conducive to the translation work as a whole, especially to benefit C-E translation for foreign publicity so as to boost China’s global image.

The paper,at first,has made a review and rethink of the dominant translation theories at home and abroad, especially Nida’s equivalence theory. Then, the present study discusses definitions, characteristics, categories of Chinese-English translation for foreign publicity and existing problems in this field. Lastly, the thesis will dwell on some translation strategies in light of equivalence theory to solve some existing problems in C-E translation for foreign publicity in order to achieve fidelity to the original language and make it more acceptable to the target language readers.  


Keywords:  equivalence theory  Chinese-English translation for foreign publicity  translation strategy





Chapter One Introduction-2

1.1 The Significance and Purpose of the Thesis-2

1.2 The Organization of This Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1. Equivalent Effect in the West-3

2.2 Equivalent Effect in China-4

Chapter Three An Overview of Translation for Foreign Publicity-6

3.1 Definition-6

3.2 Characteristics-6

3.2.1 Aim-6

3.2.2 Audience-7

3.2.3 Requirements-7

3.2.4 Category-7

3.3 Existing Problems-7

3.3.1 Inadequate Translation of Political Terms and Other Jargons-8

3.3.2 An Over-dose of Flowery Writing-8

3.3.3 Mishandling of Information-8

3.3.4 Inappropriate Treatment of Sentence Structure and Text Construction-9

Chapter Four The Application of Equivalence Theory in C-E Translation for Foreign Publicity-9

4.1 Translation Strategies Based on the Notion of Equivalence-10

4.1.1 Literal Translation-10

4.1.2 Literal Translation with Annotation-11

4.1.3 Transliteration with Annotation-12

4.2 Translation Techniques Based on the Notion of Receptors’ Response-13

4.2.1 Analogy-14

4.2.2 Deletion/Omission-14

4.2.3 Paraphrasing-15

Chapter Five Conclusion-17


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本文首先对中外重要翻译理论进行了回顾和反思,重点探讨了奈达的等效翻译理论;继而本文详细论述了汉英外宣翻译的界定、特点、范畴以及目前存在的不足与问题。最后,本文从等......
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