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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:D. H. Lawrence is one of the greatest English novelists of the 20th century, and he paid close attention to human relationships under the background of his time. He was a very original, but also a very controversial writer. Sons and lovers is the most autobiographical of all Lawrence's works as the author himself had a similar relationship with his own mother. It tells the story of The Morels. When first published, Sons and Lovers was criticized for its obscenity and one publisher called it the dirtiest book he had ever read. But in 1999, the Modern Library ranked it ninth on a list of the 100 novels in English of the 20th century. The Oedipus complex in this book has been greatly studied by many scholars. And also scholars read it in terms of the concept of love, the relationship between man and woman, and the relationship between sex and spirit and so on .This thesis focuses on the complicated relationship among son and mother and lover, giving a detailed explanation of their roles in every situation. We believe it will help readers better understand D. H. Lawrence and his books.


Keywords:  Sons and Lovers  son  mother  lover  D. H. Lawrence





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Brief Introduction to D .H .Lawrence-1

1.2 Brief Introduction to Sons and Lovers-1

1.3 Concise Introduction to Present Research-2

1.4 The Composition of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two The Analysis of the Son-Mother-Lover Relationship-4

2.1 The Relationship between Sons and the Mother-4

2.1.1 The Relationship between the Mother and William-4

2.1.2 The Distorted Love between the Mother and Paul-4

2.2 The Relationship between the Son and Lovers-7

2.2.1 Spiritual Love between Paul and Miriam-7

2.2.2 Sexual Love between Paul and Clara-9

2.3 The Relationship between the Mother and Lovers-10

Chapter Three Causes for the Son-Mother-Lover Relationship-12

3.1 Social Factors-12

3.2 Human Factors-13

3.2.1 Oedipus complex-13

3.2.2 Paul and Miriam’s Weakness-14

Chapter Four Conclusion-16


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:书中的恋母情结曾被很多学者研究过。除此之外,还有学者探讨过书中的爱情观,男女关系,灵与肉的关系等等。本论文以儿子、母亲与情人三者之间的复杂关系为主题,详细描述他们......
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