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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:With the development of economy and social culture, advertisement has become an important and inseparable part of people’s daily life. It is not only a marketing tool but also a social actor and a cultural artifact. Advertising language distinguishes itself with the ultimate aim to persuade consumers to take a purchasing action, making a study of advertising language worthwhile in linguistic field. Therefore, many linguists have studied advertising language. Researchers have made great contributions to advertising language studies, such as linguistic features, translating approaches, etc. Although some scholars have already studied the relationship of advertising language and social culture, to make a further study of their relationship is still of theoretical and practical significance . Based on the advertising ,a modern means of dissemination,this thesis focuses on the analysis of the advertising language, especially  the advertising language of daily necessities which contains the different values between Chinese and Western countries .The purpose of this thesis is to strengthen cross-cultural awareness and foster people’s pragmatic competence in both language learning and language using.


Key words: daily necessities  advertising language  value differences  comparison





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background Information-1

1.2 The Framework of the Paper-2

Chapter Two Relationship between Advertising Language and Culture-3

2.1 Advertising-3

2.1.1 Definition of Advertising-3

2.1.2 Components of Advertising-3

2.1.3 Functions of Advertising-4

2.2 Culture and Advertising Language-4

Chapter Three A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and Western Values in Advertising Language of Daily Necessities-6

3.1 Collectivism vs. Individualism.-6

3.1.1 Definition of Collective and Individualism.-6

3.1.2 Collective and Individualism in Advertising Language.-7

3.2 Implicit vs. Explicit in “Sex”-8

3.3 Family Love vs. Pragmatic-9

Chapter Four Conclusion-11


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:研究者们从语言特色、翻译方法等不同角度对广告语进行了细致的研究,做出了很大的贡献。虽然有学者也从文化角度研究了广告语和社会文化的关系,但在世界经济全球化的今天,进......
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