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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:The English word “euphemism” means an indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to something embarrassing or unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable than it really is. As a special language phenomenon, euphemism has its specific historical background and infiltration from certain cultural factors. This paper will specifically talk about euphemism for death in English which is relatively close to our daily life and discuss the western cultural infiltration on it from the aspects of religion, class differences, values and folk customs.

Euphemism is an important tool to coordinate human relationships in the use of language. Knowing about cultural infiltration on euphemism for death can help us better understand the western culture, thus promoting cultural exchange and improving communication effectiveness between Chinese and western people.


Keywords:  euphemism  death  cultural infiltration  communication





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background Information-1

1.2 Language and Culture-1

1.3 The Framework of the Paper-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Definition of Euphemism-3

2.2 The Origin of Euphemism-3

2.3 Previous Study of Euphemism-3

Chapter Three Different Expressions of Euphemism for Death-5

3.1 From Occupations-5

3.1.1 Medical Institution-5

3.1.2 Telecommunications and Financial Industry-6

3.1.3 Sports and Games-6

3.2 From the Bible-6

3.3 From Ways of Death-7

3.3.1 Killing-7

3.3.2 Capital Punishments-7

3.3.3 Suicide-7

3.4 From Figures of Speech-8

3.4.1 Metaphor-8

3.4.2 Irony-8

3.4.3 Ellipsis and Understatement-8

3.4.4 Metonymy-9

Chapter Four Cultural Infiltration on the Euphemism for Death-10

4.1 Religious Beliefs-10

4.2 Class Differences-10

4.3 Values-11

4.4 Folk Customs-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-13


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:委婉语有其形成的特定历史背景和文化因素。本文将以委婉语中与人们生活相对密切的“死亡”委婉语为切入点,从宗教、等级差异、价值观和民间风俗等四方面来探讨由此所折射出的......
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