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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:Food is the physical foundation of human being. Culture is the combination of material and mental values of human being. Table manners,as a part of food culture,becomes more and more important. Due to the differences between material and cultural background, there exist distinct differences between Chinese and American food culture, especially table manners.

The paper is intended to explore and analyze the differences between Chinese and American table manners from the following aspects: different concepts of time, different seating arrangement, different tableware, different dining atmosphere and different perception of cuisine. And the last chapter makes a conclusion that a better understanding of different table manners can help us increase cross-cultural awareness to tolerate, understand, appreciate and respect cultural differences so as to conduct communications more successfully and smoothly.

Keyword:  table manners   difference   China   America





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Cross-Cultural Communication-2

Chapter Three Differences between Chinese and American Table Manners-3

3.1 Different Concept of Time-3

3.1.1 “M-time” and “P-time”-3

3.1.2 Lateness in Chinese Table Manners-3

3.1.3 Punctuality in American Table Manners-4

3.2 Different Seating Arrangement-5

3.2.1 South & North Vs. Right &Left-5

3.2.2 Elderly Male First vs. Lady First-5

3.3 Different Tableware-6

3.3.1 Chinese Chopsticks-6

3.3.2 American Fork and Knife-6

3.4 Different Dining Atmosphere-7

3.4.1 Lively Dining Atmosphere in China-7

3.4.2 Elegant Dining Atmosphere in America-7

3.5 Different Perception of Cuisine-7

3.5.1 Exquisiteness and Taste in Chinese Cuisine-7

3.5.2 Nutrition and Balance in American Cuisine-8

Chapter Four Possible Reasons for the Differences between Chinese and American Table Manners-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-10


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:从中美两国不同的就餐时间观念,不同的位次安排,不同的餐具使用,不同的就餐气氛,不同的饮食观念等方面来探索分析中美两国餐桌礼仪的差异。从最后一章我们可以得出结论:对......
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