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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:Henry Fielding is one of the most outstanding novelists in the eighteenth century in England. He is considered as the “Father of English Novel”. Tom Jones is regarded as his masterpiece, with the fame of one of the best-constructed novels in English literature. It is a masterpiece on the subject of human nature. Since its publication, it has attracted great attention. Many scholars have studied it from various prospective. Considering Fielding’s writing experience as a dramatist, I think this novel is worthy of being analyzed to see whether its great achievement has much related with dramatic elements. After careful reading, it is obvious to see that the dramatic elements used in this novel have played a vital role in revealing the plot structure and the theme of the novel. And moreover, by using comedic techniques, Fielding gives readers a vivid and truthful panoramic picture of the 18th-century society. Therefore, this thesis attempts to explore the dramatic elements embodied in the novel.

The thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one is a brief introduction to Henry Fielding and his masterpiece Tom Jones. Chapter two introduces the 18th-century English drama and enumerates the key elements and types of drama. Chapter three is devoted to the analysis of dramatic elements embodied in the novel, especially the use of dramatic plot, dramatic language and dramatic skills. Chapter four serves as a conclusion, presenting the purpose of writing this thesis—to reveal Fielding’s great intelligence in writing and his great influence in English modern novels.


Keywords:  Henry Fielding  Tom Jones  dramatic elements  dramatic plot  dramatic skills





Chapter One Henry Fielding and Tom Jones-1

1.1 Henry Fielding, Father of English Novel-1

1.2 An Introduction to Tom Jones-2

Chapter Two An Introduction to the 18th- Century British Drama-4

2.1 Drama in the 18th_Century England-4

2.2 Key Elements of Drama-4

2.3 Classifications of Drama-5

Chapter Three Dramatic Elements Embodied in Tom Jones-7

3.1 Dramatic Plot-7

3.1.1 Three Main Scenes-7

3.1.2 A Happy Ending-7

3.2 Dramatic Language-8

3.2.1 Exaggerated and Easy Language-9

3.2.2 Ironic and Humorous Language-10

3.3 Dramatic Skills-11

3.3.1 Suspense-11

3.3.2 Unexpectedness-12

3.3.3 Coincidence and Misunderstanding-12

Chapter Four Conclusion-14


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:第一章简单介绍作者亨利·菲尔丁及其著作《汤姆·琼斯》。第二章详细展示了十八世纪英国戏剧,并介绍戏剧的主要因素和类型。第三章重点分析了戏剧因素在这部小说中的运用,特别......
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