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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:Nowadays, “Public Speaking and Interpretation” has become a hot issue in the field of professional interpretation in recent years. As a matter of fact, message delivering and linguistic communication are the two integrated parts in interpretation. As for an interpreter, he has to obtain comprehensive public speaking shills. The whole effect of interpretation not only depends on the quality of the langguage but also depends on the application of public speaking skills. Therefore, as for an excellent interpreter, apart from brilliant and essential linguistic abilities, whether he can use verbal and nonverbal public speaking strategies appropriately affects the quality of the interpretation and the response of the audience. So it is very necessary for a professional interpreter to acquire public speaking strategies.

This article illustrates the relationship between public speaking and interpretation through analyzing the art of public speaking and the professional skills and strategies for an interpreter. This essay also gives some suggestions on how to apply the public speaking skills to the interpreting process to delivery the speech successfully.


Keywords:  public speaking  interpretation    application





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two A Brief Introduction of Public Speaking-2

2.1 Definition of Public Speaking-2

2.2 The Classification of Public Speaking-2

2.3 The Importance of the Art of Public Speaking-3

Chapter Three the Relationship between Public Speaking and Interpretation-5

3.1 The Definition of Interpretation-5

3.2 The Qualities Required of an Interpreter-5

3.2.1 A Good Command of Languages Involved-5

3.2.2 A Good Memory-6

3.2.3 Note-taking Skills-6

3.2.4 Logic Thinking Ability-7

3.3 Public Speaking and Interpretation-7

Chapter Four Application of Public Speaking Skills in Interpretation-8

4.1 Message Delivery-8

4.2 Vocal Factors-9

4.3 Nonverbal Factors-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-13


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:过分析公共演说和口译之间的关系,就如何将公共演说技巧应用到口译实践工作提出了一些建议,从而完善口译技能,提高口译能力,成为一名优秀的口译员和一名出色的演讲者......
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