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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:This thesis explores Chinese-English code-switching in Chinese songs, focusing on their forms and functions. It reveals that code-switching in Chinese songs is mainly in words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs, with such functions as rhyming, quotation, drawing close social distance, winning prestige, showing singer’s personal style, avoiding embarrassment, pursuing fashion and showing off. The current study is beneficial for people to better understand Chinese-English code-switching in Chinese songs.


Keywords:  Chinese songs   code-switching   forms   functions





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Defining Code-switching-1

1.2 Reasons for Current Research-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Previous Studies on Code-switching in Chinese Songs-2

2.1 Sociolinguistic Perspective-2

2.2 Pragmatic Perspective-2

2.3 Functional Perspective-2

Chapter Three Forms of Code-switching in Chinese Songs-3

3.1 Code-switching in Words-3

3.2 Code-switching in Phrases-4

3.3 Code-switching in Sentences-4

3.4 Code-switching in Paragraphs-5

Chapter Four Functions of Code-switching in Chinese Songs-6

4.1 Rhyming-6

4.2 Quotation-7

4.3 Drawing Close Social Distance-8

4.4 Winning Prestige-9

4.5 Showing Singer’s Personal Style-10

4.6 Avoiding Embarrassment-10

4.7 Pursuing Fashion and Showing off-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-13


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:对中文歌曲中汉英语码转换的形式与功能进行了研究。结果表明,中文歌曲语码转换主要体现在词、词组、句子、段落四个层次;其主要功能有以下几种:押韵、引用、拉近距离、赢得......
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