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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:This thesis analyzes the mistranslations of Chinese introductions to scenic spots in Xuzhou city. As the research turns out, mistranslations can be classified into two categories: one is the mistakes in translating Chinese version, including mistranslations of Chinese characters, words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs in the original texts, and the other is mistakes in English version like spelling, grammatical, and collocation mistakes, which are mainly caused by translators’ lack of cross-cultural awareness, competence and responsibility, as well as lacking supervision. If translators can improve cultural awareness and apply methods like annotation, adaptation and paraphrase while doing translation to avoid misunderstanding caused by cultural vacancy, strengthen their own bilingual competence and further understand the culture of scenic spots, mistranslations can be avoided. This thesis contributes to increasing the translation quality of introductions to scenic spots in Xuzhou, promoting the municipal image and publicizing the culture of Xuzhou.  


Keywords:  scenic spots in Xuzhou City  Chinese introductions  mistranslations  strategies





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Definition of Introductions to Scenic Spots-1

1.2 Significance of Translating Introductions to Scenic Spots-1

1.3 Reasons for the Present Research-2

1.4 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-4

2.1 Perspective of Cross-culture-4

2.2 Perspective of Functionalism-4

2.3 Perspective of Stylistics-5

Chapter Three Principles of Translating Introductions to Scenic Spots-7

3.1 Principle of Faithfulness-7

3.2 Culture-oriented Principle-7

3.3 Reader-oriented Principle-8

Chapter Four Mistranslations of Introductions to Scenic Spots in Xuzhou City-9

4.1 Major Scenic Spots in Xuzhou City-9

4.2 Mistranslation-9

4.3 Mistakes in Translating Chinese Version-10

4.3.1 Mistranslation of Chinese Characters-10

4.3.2 Mistranslation of Words-10

4.3.3 Mistranslation of Phrases..11

4.3.4 Mistranslation of Sentences-11

4.3.5 Mistranslation of Paragraphs-12

4.4 Mistakes in English Version-13

4.4.1 Spelling Mistakes-13

4.4.2 Grammatical Mistakes....14

4.4.3 Inappropriate Use of Collocation-14

4.5 Possible Reasons for Mistranslation-15

4.5.1 Lack of Cultural Awareness-15

4.5.2 Lack of Competence-15

4.5.3 Lack of Responsibility-16

4.5.4 Lack of Supervision-16

4.6 Suggested Solutions-16

4.6.1 Cultural-related Strategies-16

4.6.2 To Enhance Translators’ Bilingual Knowledge-18

4.6.3 To Enrich Translators’ Understanding of Scenic Spots-18

4.6.4 To Strengthen Translators’ Attitude-19

4.6.5 To Reinforce the Management-19

Chapter Five Conclusion-20


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:译者若能加强跨文化意识,采取加注、归化、释义等方法来避免文化缺失所造成的误解,加强自身的英汉双语能力及对景点文化内涵的理解,可以有效避免误译现象。本研究对提高徐州......
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