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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:With the rapid development of economic globalization and the prosperity of international business trade, business negotiations are dramatically increasing. Among the most important traits needed to negotiate successfully are compliment skills.

Compliment is a kind of speech act which incarnates different social and culture values. These differences have great effect on the function, topic, formula and response of compliment. The subject of this research is the compliments in business negotiations between China and the US.

Even though the studies of compliments in English and Chinese are drawn attention by many scholars, most of the research is based on the semantic and syntactic levels or some limited pragmatic levels. In the basis of some scholars’ former research, this thesis planned to comprise the form and reply in American and Chinese compliments from the cultural and pragmatic vagueness respective. From the thesis,we know that in the cross cultural exchange, it is not enough to only master the language but also the culture behind the language. This article has also analyzed the misunderstandings and reasons caused by different cultures. This is very important in mutual communication in business negotiations between US and China.


Keywords: compliment   business negotiation   cross culture   pragmatic vagueness





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Significance of Study-1

1.2 The Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Compliment-3

2.1.1 The Definition of Compliment-3

2.1.2 Compliment Formulas-3

2.1.3 Compliment Topics-3

2.2 Cross-Cultural Communication-4

2.2.1 The Definition of Cross-Cultural Communication-4

2.2.2 Cross-Cultural Communication and Compliments-4

2.3 Pragmatic Vagueness-4

2.3.1.The Definition of Pragmatic Vagueness-4

2.3.2.Features of Pragmatic Vagueness-4

2.3.3 Functions of Pragmatic Vagueness-4

2.4 Methodology-5

2. 5 Data-5

Chapter Three Data Analysis-7

3.1 The Comparison between American and Chinese Compliments-7

3.1.1 Differences in Semantic Formulas-7

3.1.2 Differences in Syntactic Formulas-8

3.1.3 Differences in Topics-8

3.2 Comparison of Pragmatic Vagueness in American and Chinese Compliments-9

3.2.1 The Pragmatic Vagueness of Compliments-9

3.2.2 The Types of Pragmatic Vagueness-9 Vagueness-9 Vagueness-9 Vagueness-9 Vagueness-9

3.2.3 Language Vagueness Information and Function of Compliments-10 Use of Vague Language to Be Polite-10

3.2.3. 2 Use of Vague Language to Disguise-10 of Vague Language to Be More Precise-10 of Vague Language to Protect Face-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:尽管对于中西方恭维语的研究引起中外学者们的广泛关注,但以往的研究大多数是基于语义层面或者是基于有限的语用层面。在一些学者的研究基础上,本文拟从文化和语用模糊角度对英......
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