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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王教授 更新时间:2016-10-14
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Abstract:Annie Proulx is one of emerging female writers in American contemporary literary world, who attracts tremendous attention nowadays. She won the Pulitzer Prize and the U.S National Book Award. She is good at studying regional characteristics of the marginal area of North America. She is considered as an great master of regional literature. Her creations are famous for regional characteristics. The Half-skinned steer is the iconic works of her regional literature. In this novel, it depicts different embodiment of regional literature, showing particular regional creation.    

This thesis analyzes from the following aspects. The first is the general introduction to Annie Proulx’s works and present research on her works. The second is the introduction to the definition of regional literature, characteristics and development of regional literature. The third  is the analysis of social mechanism, such as the aspects of history, economy and culture. From  which the theis aims at analyzing all above in order to experience Annie Proulx’s creation characteristics and artistic achievements reflected in The Half-skinned Steer. The thesis attempts to analyze the relationship between human beings and nature, calling on people to care for non-human life, and experiencing contrast and collision between nature and city, primal and civilization, in order to better understand the theme of the short story. 


Keywords:  The Half-skinned Steer  Annie Proulx  regional literature





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Annie Proulx-1

1.2 Introduction to The Half-skinned Steer-1

1.3 Present Research on Annie Proulx and Her Works-2

Chapter Two Regional Literature-3

2.1 Definition of Regional Literature-3

2.2 Characteristics of Regional Literature-3

2.3 Development of Regional Literature-5

Chapter Three Manifestations of Regional Literature in The Half-skinned Steer-6

3.1 Geographical Characteristics-6

3.2 Ecological Characteristics-7

3.2.1 Irreversibility in Ecosystem-7

3.2.2 Cruelty and Indifference of Nature-7

3.2.3 Nature’s Revenge on Man-8

3.3 Refraction of Social Mechanism in The Half-skinned Steer-8

3.3.1 Historical Refraction-8

3.3.2 Economical Refraction-9

3.3.3 Cultural Refraction-9

Chapter Four Conclusion-11


上传会员 王教授 对本文的描述:本文从以下几个方面着手分析:首先对作家作品和研究现状进行概括介绍;其次主要围绕区域文学的定义特征及发展情况做整体介绍和阐述;然后主要通过区域文学角度对历史、经济和......
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