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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王教授 更新时间:2016-10-14
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Abstract:Norman Mailer, an important figure against hegemony, is regarded as one of the greatest contemporary writers in the United States after World War II. In 1948, Mailer won the great honor in the literary world for his first novel The Naked and the Dead, which became known as an important representative of the post-war American literature.

The Naked and the Dead tells a story taking place on Anopopei, a fictitious island, which is controlled by the Japanese army. Norman Mailer depicts the bloodcurdling life in army which reflects the threats and oppression of social life to Americans.

    The thesis will analyze the conflict in the human nature, namely the conflict between humanity and bestiality in the characters and explore the possible reasons for their inner conflict. The real conflict in The Naked and the Dead is not the battle between Japanese army and American army, but the conflict between bestiality and humanity in human nature. It is the desire for power and the influence of the harsh war environment that deprive people of humanity and rationality. It is hoped that through this thesis readers can have a better understanding about the text and the theme.

Key words:  Conflict  human nature  The Naked and the Dead  characters





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Norman Mailer and His Works-1

1.2 Introduction to The Naked and the Dead-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Human Nature-4

Chapter Three Conflict between Bestiality and Humanity in the Characters-6

3.1 Majors Characters-6

3.1.1 General Cummings-6

3.1.2 Sergeant Croft-7

3.1.3 Lieutenant Hearn-8

3.2 Conflict between Bestiality and Humanity in Minor Characters-9

Chapter Four Reasons for Conflict in the Human Nature-11

4.1 Internal Cause—The Desire-11

4.2 External Cause—The War-12

Chapter Five Conclusion-14


上传会员 王教授 对本文的描述:分析小说中的人性冲突主题,即人物内心人性与兽性的冲突,并探讨导致冲突产生的原因。小说《裸者与死者》中的真正冲突不是美军与日军之间的战争冲突,而是人们内心的人性和兽......
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