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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王教授 更新时间:2016-10-14
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Abstract:Emotion is one of the most important parts in human experience, thus how to conceptualize emotion is a big concern for people. People use metaphor to think and conceptualize abstract concepts. This paper is going to have a detailed study in English on the basis of anger metaphor.

A large number of emotion metaphors are investigated in this paper. These metaphors map the source of container, animal, plant and child onto the target domain of anger. We can see these source domains are rooted in the most fundamental human experience such as containment, farming and child rearing. As is known to us all, human have a centuries long experience of raising children, agriculture and interacting with animals and of containment, so there is a great possibility that people use their wisdom in these fields to make sense of a wide range of abstract target concepts. This paper has two main objectives: 1) to identify and describe the conceptual mappings from the above source domains onto the target domain of anger; 2) to find out why these metaphors are stated like this.

This paper can be divided into four parts. The first part talks about the background and purposes of the study of anger emotion; the second part is concerned about the literature review; the third part is the comprehensive study of anger metaphors. The last part is the conclusion of the paper.


Keywords: anger  emotion metaphor  source  target





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 Significance of the Present Study-1

1.3 Organization of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Emotion Metaphor-3

2.2 Anger Emotion-3

2.3 Previous Studies of “Anger” Emotion-4

Chapter Three A Study of Emotional Metaphors of Anger in English-5

3.1 Heat for Anger-5

3.1.1 Container for Anger-6

3.1.2 Fire for Anger-8

3.2 Animal for Anger-9

3.3 Other Metaphors of Anger-10

Chapter Four conclusion-13


上传会员 王教授 对本文的描述:本文中调查了大量的情感隐喻。通过容器,动物和孩子这些本体域映射愤怒这一喻体域。我们可以看出这些本体域来源于最基本的人类经验,比如容器,耕种,抚养小孩。众所周知,人......
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