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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王教授 更新时间:2016-10-14
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Abstract:According to the interpersonal function, translation is a process in which the translator not only constructs the interpersonal function in the target text but also establishes a platform for the communication between the source text writer and target readers. By and large, the translation is more faithful to the original text and manifests the interpersonal function in an implicit way with no more elaboration. Moreover, pronouns, verbs, non-verbal behaviors, Chinese specific images, vocatives, allusions and tenses in the original are important in constructing interpersonal function. The rebuilding of interpersonal function across languages and cultures should attach importance to both linguistic and non-linguistic elements. It is expected that the thesis could broaden the range of the study of interpersonal function and does a little contribution to form a systemic theoretic model of the translation of interpersonal function. 

This thesis emphasizes to analyze the translation of The Scholars from the perspective of system function translation strategies. Studies have shown that the contrastive linguistics and discourse analysis are the branches of linguistics, both of them gets into an unprecedented period of development in recent years, the combination of them starts a comparative study of discourse level, this kind of research is rare whatever in the domestic or in the world. 

The thesis is divided into four parts: the first part is background, significance and structure of the research. The second part is literature review which contains the study on interpersonal function and previous study. The third part is the process of analysis of The Scholars and interpersonal function, exploring similarities and differences between Chinese and English expression of The Scholars from the sample collection. The fourth part contains the summary of major findings of the study, the limitation and suggestion of the study.


Key Words: interpersonal function  mood system  modal system  The Scholars





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 Significance of the Study-1

1.3 Structure of the Study-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Studies on Interpersonal Function of Language-3

2.2 Analysis of Interpersonal Function-3

2.2.1 Interpersonal Function on Personal Sides-3

2.2.2 Interpersonal Function on Interactive Sides-3

2.3 Previous Studies-4

Chapter Three A Contrastive Analysis and Discussion on Interpersonal Function of Chinese and English Versions of The Scholars-6

3.1 Analysis on Chinese and English Versions of The Scholars-6

3.2 A Contrastive Analysis of Interpersonal Function-7

3.2.1 Modality System-7

3.2.2 Mood System-8

Chapter Four Conclusion-10

4.1 Summary of the Major Findings of the Study.-10

4.2 Implications-10

4.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study-10


上传会员 王教授 对本文的描述:本文由四部分组成,第一部分是本文的研究背景意义和整体框架。第二部分是文献综述,包括人际功能的研究以及前人对于此方面的研究。第三部分是对比《儒林外史》及译本中人际功......
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