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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王教授 更新时间:2016-10-14
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Abstract:Maxine Hong Kingston is one of the most renowned writers in American literary circles at the end of the 20th century. The Woman Warrior, her masterpiece, has aroused wide public attention in American literary circle and been favorably reviewed since its publication. The novel is regarded as a milestone in the history of Chinese American literature and lays the writer’s position in American literary circles. Through describing the growing experience and mentality of the Chinese heroines, it reveals the dualistic cultural oppressions. It also focuses on the difficult struggle and rebirth for Chinese American women. Since the novel’s publication, quite a few scholars make studies of The Woman Warrior from different points, including sexism, bildungsroman, anti-feudalism and so on. Through a close reading of the text, the thesis focuses on the analysis of Chinese American women’s establishing their own cultural identity and gender identity and the ultimate realization of spiritual growth. 

Through analyzing the dualistic cultural oppressions from traditional Chinese culture and American society, the thesis holds that Chinese American women not only lose their Chinese cultural foundation but also are denied by American society. This thesis makes a new analysis of The Women Warrior, and draws the following conclusions: only Chinese women break the silence can they achieve their cultural identity and gender identity and achieve the ultimate spiritual growth and rebirth.


Keywords: Kingston  Chinese American women  oppression  rebirth  The Woman Warrior





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Maxine Hong Kingston-1

1.2 The Woman Warrior-1

1.3 Literature Review-2

1.4 Structure of the Thesis-3

Chapter Two Dualistic Oppression on Chinese American Women-5

2.1 Oppression of Traditional Chinese Culture-5

2.2 Oppression of American Society-5

Chapter Three The Struggles and Rebirth of the Chinese American Women-7

3 .1 Shedding the Bondage of the Old Chinese Culture-7

3.2 Absorbing Merited Ideas of the American Culture-8

3.3 Actualizing Female Individual’s Self-9

Chapter Four Conclusion-11


上传会员 王教授 对本文的描述:通过对中国旧文化和美国社会的对美籍华裔女性的双重压迫的分析,认为在中国传统文化和美国社会的压迫下,美籍华裔女性不仅失去了他们中国文化的基础,同时也没有完全被美国社......
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