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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:As the spokesman for the “Lost Generation”, Ernest Hemingway has aroused interest of many readers, and many critics have made comments on him and his novels. Influenced by his family and his personal experiences, especially his experiences in the battlefield, Hemingway gradually becomes a writer with a keen sense of pessimism. However, he is not hopelessly pessimistic. He insists that man must face up to his doomed failure with unyielding spirit even though he gets nothing in the end. 

Death in the Afternoon is a novel written by Hemingway about Spain bullfight. He says that two conditions may bring a country into the game of bullfight. One is that they have bulls, and the second is that the people are interested in death. In the bullfight, different deaths bring about different results in tragedy. The bull’s death is tragic, and the matador’s death is also tragic, even the innocent horse is tragic. The whole novel is full of tragedy. 

This thesis analyzes Hemingway’s pessimism in the bull and the people, and further digs author’s view and attitude of life. Life itself is a lonely struggle in which the death is the only ending. However, the meaning of life lies in the persistent and unyielding struggle against the doomed failure. That is to say, a man can be destroyed but not defeated. Hemingway’s pessimism actually conveys a kind of positive spirit.


Key words:  Hemingway  Death in the Afternoon  pessimistic consciousness  tragedy





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Hemingway’s Pessimism Embodied in Death in the Afternoon-2

2.1 More Information about Death in the Afternoon-2

2.2 Three Acts of Bullfight-2

2.3 Hemingway’s Pessimism Embodied in the Article-3

2.3.1 Tragedy in Bull-3

2.3.2 Tragedy in People-3

2.4 Hemingway’s Pessimism-4

Chapter Three Causes of Hemingway’s Pessimism-5

3.1 Great Pain from His Family-5

3.2 Sufferings from the First World War-6

3.3 Frustration in His Later Life-7

Chapter Four Significance of Hemingway’s Pessimism-8

4.1 Aesthetic Significance-8

4.1.1 Magnificent Beauty of Failure-8

4.1.2 Noble Beauty of Transcending Sufferings-8

4.2 Social Significance-8

4.2.1 Deep Meditation on the War-8

4.2.2 Great Inspiration on the Lost Generation-9

4.2.3 Positive Influence on Man-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-10


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本论文通过对人和牛死亡的分析,来阐述海明威的悲观主义,并进一步挖掘作者对生活的看法和态度。生活其实就是一场孤独的战争,而死亡则是这场战争的唯一结局。生活的意义就在于......
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