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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:English and Chinese lexical gap caused by cultural differences universally exists as a natural phenomenon. Varied historical background, social customs, religious beliefs, culture, values and other aspects between China and western countries lead to culture vacancy. Language is the carrier of cultural heritage, so it is affected by a number of factors such as the customs, religion, culture, and values. Therefore, it causes the obstacles between English and Chinese translation. Particularly, as the growth of the world’s economy, exchanges between China and western countries have become closer. Lexical gap in English and Chinese translation should not be underestimated. Understanding the English and Chinese lexical gap is an important part of translation studies, and it is a premise of effective cross-language, cross-cultural communication. This paper analyzes the lexical gap, and raises methods to cope with lexical gap in English-Chinese translation.   


Keywords: lexical gap  English-Chinese translation  translation strategies 





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 The Significance of Lexical Gap in English-Chinese Translation-1

Chapter Two Review of Lexical Gap Theory-2

2.1 Definition-2

2.2 The Causes of Lexical Gap-3

2.2.1 Geography-3

2.2.2 History and Culture-3

2.2.3 Religious Beliefs-4

2.2.4 Aesthetic Values and Social Psychology-5

2.3 The Main Types of Lexical Gap-5

2.3.1 Untranslatability-5

2.3.2 Accidental Gaps-6

Chapter Three Methods to Cope with Lexical Gap in English-Chinese Translation-7

3.1 Lexical Gaps in Translation and Translation Relativity-7

3.2 Methods to Cope with Lexical Gap in English-Chinese Translation-7

3.2.1 Literal Translation-7

3.2.2 Free Translation-9

3.2.3 Transliteration-10

3.2.4 Adaptation-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:文化差异造成的英汉语言的词汇空缺现象是客观存在的,是一种自然现象,在跨文化交际中普遍存在。中西方在历史背景、社会习俗、宗教文化、价值观念等诸多方面的差异造成了各自的......
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