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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:In International trade, foreign trade English correspondence (FTEC) is the main tool for communication. Correct writing not only determines the propriety of correspondence for effective communication of buyers and sellers in a professional manner, but also functions as a key to the success of business. When engaged in foreign trade English correspondence in writing, we must follow certain writing principles in order to achieve the goal of effective communication, that is, 7C writing principles: clearness, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, courtesy, consideration and completeness. Without the guide of these principles, it will be difficult to achieve the goal of effective communication with foreign trade partners, and will also cause incalculable damage to both the parties in business. In application-oriented college, students majoring business English should pay full attention to the study of FTEC courses. This article, through the method of comparison and summary and based on the case study of students’ exercise and homework from four classes of grade 2009 of XZIT, will apply 7C writing principles to analyze the main mistakes that students often make in writing foreign trade correspondence and to search the main reasons for their mistakes. It will also make certain recommendations for teaching FTEC with a view to raising the level of students’ writing competence in FTEC.


Keywords:  foreign trade English correspondence  7C writing principles  error analysis





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Importance of Foreign Trade English Correspondence-1

1.2 Literature Review-1

1.3 The Purpose and Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two 7C Writing Principles in Foreign Trade English Correspondence-3

2.1 Completeness-3

2.2 Concreteness-3

2.3 Clearness-3

2.4 Conciseness-4

2.5 Courtesy-4

2.6 Consideration-5

2.7 Correctness-5

Chapter Three Error Analysis of Foreign Trade English Correspondence Based on 7C Writing Principles-7

3.1 Analysis of Errors in Students’ Letters-7

3.1.1 Errors against Completeness-7

3.1.2 Errors against Concreteness-7

3.1.3 Errors against Clearness-8

3.1.4 Errors against Conciseness-8

3.1.5 Errors against Courtesy-9

3.1.6 Errors against Consideration-9

3.1.7 Errors against Correctness-10

3.2 Possible Reasons for the Errors-10

3.2.1 Negative Learning Attitude-10

3.2.2 Linguistic Differences-11

3.2.3-Inappropriate Teaching Method-11

3.2.4 Insufficient Practical Experience-12

Chapter Four Some Advices to the Teaching of Foreign Trade English Correspondence-13

4.1 Changing Learning Attitude and Learning Methods-13

4.2 Changing Teaching Method-13

4.3 Adding More Practical Experience-14

Chapter Five Conclusion-15


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:将参照7C写作原则,以徐州工程学院英语专业09 级4个班学生的书本练习和课后作业的大量外贸英文信件为研究对象,通过比较、归纳的方法,总结分析学生们常犯错误类型及原因,并对......
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